More than any other time in history, society understands the ways in which we are altering the planet's natural systems and the composition of biodiversity of life on earth. We have a responsibility to act. Out of the 7 subpopulations of the leatherback sea turtle, 4 are critically endangered, 1 is endangered and 2 are data deficient. The Leatherback Project exists to combat the environmental crisis with a specific focus on leatherback conservation and ocean health
Will you join us in protecting this ancient reptile?

Extinction is Forever
The Leatherback Project is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting the leatherback sea turtle and other threatened and endangered marine species through research, education, and advocacy initiatives primarily aimed at mitigating fisheries bycatch, designating and implementing marine protected areas, and advocating for the intrinsic Rights of Nature. As sea turtles are flagship species, by studying them and the threats facing their survival, we can open the doors to conversations about the biggest threats facing our oceans today.
Jonah Reenders

Our Mission
Restored balance, decreased anthropogenic pressures on overexploited resources and a sustainable future for the world’s ocean ecosystems and coastal habitats, allowing for the recovery of endangered wildlife, like the leatherback sea turtle.
Meet the Team
Callie Veelenturf
Founder / Executive Director
Luis Paladines
Projects Coordinator
Amanda Rocafuerte
Country Director
Aida (Aidita) Magaña
Community Leader
Pearl Islands Archipelago Mission Blue Hope Spot Champion
Nikki Riddy
Director of Impact Media
Ariel Cajar
Boat Captain / Ecotourism Guide
Wiguidili Crespo
Undergraduate Thesis Student
Lineylis (Liz) Rios
Undergraduate Thesis Student
Ibdiel Guitierrez
Youth Leader
Marino Abrego
Research Associate
Liaison - Ministry of
the Environment

Panama Adopts the Saboga National Wildlife Refuge,
Protecting Critical Sea Turtle Habitat and Upholding the Rights of Nature

Rights of Nature & The Leatherback Project on CBS News!
^Watch the CBS News Saturday Morning Feature on the Rights of Nature!^
Panama's Supreme Court Upholds Rights of Nature, Declares Country's Largest Copper Mine Unconstitutional

Read the Press Release HERE